Fire Extinguishers

Water-type Fire Extinguishers (6LTR, 9LTR)

A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations. Our Water Extinguisher is of Stored Pressure Type.

  • Class A Fire: Wood, Textiles, Paper, Clothes, Cotton mill, Jute Mill etc.
  • Note:Wood, Textiles, Paper, Clothes, Cotton mill, Jute Mill etc.

Water-type fire extinguishers are specifically designed for Class A fires involving combustible materials such as wood, paper, textiles, and cardboard. They work by cooling the burning material below its ignition temperature, effectively stopping the fire.
Water extinguishers use water as the extinguishing agent, which is non-toxic, safe for the environment, and leaves no harmful residues.
These extinguishers are straightforward to use, making them ideal for environments where untrained individuals may need to act quickly during a fire.
Water extinguishers are generally more affordable compared to other types, making them a cost-effective solution for many fire protection needs.
Water extinguishers require minimal maintenance compared to other types, reducing the overall cost of ownership.

Remove the safety pin to break the tamper seal. Aim the nozzle or hose at the base of the fire. Squeeze the handle to release the water. Sweep the nozzle or hose from side to side, ensuring that the entire base of the fire is covered until it is completely extinguished.

Water is conductive, so it should never be used on electrical fires, as this could lead to electrocution. Water extinguishers are not effective on Class B (flammable liquids) or Class D (flammable metals) fires, and using them could worsen the situation.
Before using a water extinguisher, ensure that there are no live electrical hazards nearby.
Water discharge can create slippery conditions, so be cautious when using in confined or small spaces to avoid slips and falls.
Keep a safe distance from the fire to avoid being caught in the flames or affected by heat.
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